What is the most difficult part of losing weight? Is it being hungry? Not knowing how much or what to eat? Is it lack of support? Lack of knowledge? Lack of motivation? Not knowing how much to exercise or how to exercise?
Many factors come in to play when we try to reach new health goals. Whether your goal is to manage health conditions or to lose pounds and inches and reduce your body fat you may not know where to start. Hopefully, this guidebook will give you the information and the support you need to not only reach your goals, but to maintain those goals as well.
This book is designed to inform you of how your body uses food for fuel. How much fuel you need and help you look within yourself and to outside support to find your motivation and to keep motivated. It is also about life-long changes. This is not a one and done plan. This is a guide to get you on the path of healthy living for a lifetime, not just to merely lose a few pounds.
Most people are generally really good at losing weight. It’s the keeping it off part that is difficult. That is why it is so important to obtain and put to use the right information. The book is designed to work with a health coach ideally, however, it can be used alone or with a partner or friend. People are much more successful in losing and maintaining their weight when they have a good support system. Finding the right partner is a very valuable tool to have when reaching new goals.
My new book is now available on Amazon, and at TMC To Health. https://www.amazon.com/Time-Motivation-Commitment-Healthy-Living/dp/1975993381/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507430780&sr=8-1&keywords=time%2C+motivation%2C+%26+Commitment+to+Healthy+living
To find out more about what you can do to become more physically active, contact me via email or my online form to set up a free consultation.
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